Monday, 1 August 2011

Rock 'n' roll in Perth - 1 August

A lazy morning, and no guilt felt as Brania's departed for school and work while we were still in bed!.

Eleanor, Katherine and Joseph took the dog for a walk, while Jim did the mundane but important task of applying for jobs at Leeds City Council (all staff need to reapply under the restructure, with an assessment centre scheduled for the week of return.....)

The morning was a
  • sun in jumper on,
  • sun out jumper off,
  • sun out hang the washing out,
  • sun in torrential short rain shower take washing in, type of day.

The girls baked a cake, then we were off into Perth on the bus for another look around. We visited the Perth Museum which is excellent, but spent little time viewing the geology section, including fossils and meteorites and much more time viewing an exhibition on the Australian Rock Band AC/DC, and Joseph polished up his air guitar techniques.

Then it was a look at the art gallery , and a wander around Perth central as by now the sun had come out and it was very pleasant.

Bus back in time for tea with the Brania's.

Tomorrow is a flight to Alice Springs. The weather forecast is 28 degrees and unbroken sunshine - so hopefully the long trousers, jumper and mac can return to the suitcase once again!

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