Saturday, 23 July 2011

Something strange fell from the sky - 23 July

Woke up this morning and breakfast outside as usual - but this time with a jumper on.

A few spots of rain fell from the sky despite the forecast claiming it would be 27 degree C and unbroken sunshine.

We went back to the Cape Range National Park - seeing another Emu and a chick crossing the road in front of us on the way (apparently its male Emus that look after their young)

Then into the park, where we saw the BIGGEST eagle we have ever seen sitting on a stump near the road. They enjoy the road kill (kangaroos) so are commonly found close to roads, but this one was immense.

Into the national park, with a few spots of rain from time to time, and we went for a walk up an old gorge. On the way we saw rock wallabies - purchased precariously on the rock of the gorge - how they get around goodness only knows.

After that back to the  beach - the sun had just about forced its way through the cloud by then and some more snorkeling over the coral - plenty of fish and a giant clam.

On the way back home we saw another 2 emus, and countless kangaroos - they are two a penny when it comes to dusk - but they are nowhere to be seen during the day.

Tomorrow we are off to Coral Bay, where we expect to have reception then its planned that we go to Monkey Mia, then Kalbarri, Geraldton and drop off the van on Friday in Perth.

Is this sign necessary?

Yes it is!

Spot the Eagle if you can

Wild flowers on sand dune

Joseph on sand dune

Rock wallaby

Liz and Katherine take a dip

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